With families sheltering in place during the coronavirus pandemic, it means a lot of kids are stuck indoors this summer. Video games are more important than ever for keeping children entertained and busy. We’ve already covered the best educational games for children. But what if you want to get in on the fun and bond with your kids during quarantine?
Fortunately, we have put together a useful list of the best games that you can play along with your children. Here are eight games that are ideal for co-operative or competitive play for children of all ages.
Zelda: Breath of the Wild

Nintendo has a lot of kid-friendly games. But perhaps one of the best of recent times is Zelda: Breath of the Wild. This is a franchise that is not traditionally associated with being geared towards younger players but it is certainly family-friendly. Kids will love being able to explore the huge open-world while adults can take on the more difficult moments that come in the boss fights and dungeons. The game is available on the Nintendo Switch as well, making the experience completely portable — even if you’re just going to a different room of your house.

Snipperclips is a puzzle game that anyone can enjoy. That’s because the game isn’t too difficult at the beginning and it doesn’t really have a failure state. Therefore this allows players to experiment without feeling like they are being punished. Combined with the colorful visuals and the imaginative co-operative gameplay, it is an ideal game to play with kids. The title is only available for Nintendo Switch unfortunately. However, this gives it the added benefit of being portable so you don’t have to play on a full-size television set.
Kingdom Hearts III

While Kingdom Hearts III is not technically a multiplayer game it is perfect to play with kids. The hack-and-slash gameplay is not too difficult while the 2019 release date ensures it has modern systems and impressive visuals. It is a perfect title to switch between adults and children, with the older players taking on the more challenging sections. Kids are sure to love seeing the huge amount of Disney and Pixar characters that make appearances throughout the campaign.
1-2 Switch

The Nintendo Switch has a lot of great games that are well suited for family play. But one of the better examples is 1-2 Switch. The party game was a launch title for the console and features a number of small mini-games. In fact, it is very similar to another hit party game called Wii Sports. These include shootouts and a cow milking competition. There are few titles that can inspire the same amount of fun as everyone gets involved in the action.
Lego Games

Traveller’s Tales have geared their Lego games towards a younger audience for a long time. However, because they involve so many characters from popular culture, there is plenty of scope for adults to enjoy the game with more mature jokes and a good dose of nostalgia. The Lego Star Wars games, in particular, have been a huge success but there are titles focused on Lord of the Rings, Marvel, Batman, and Pirates of the Caribbean. This means you’ll be able to find a Lego game that best suits your family’s interests. The games all support co-op multiplayer and are fairly easy to pick-up-and-play.
Rocket League

Rocket League is in no way a new game, having released way back in 2015, but it is still a relevant and popular experience. You can play the game across multiple platforms such as PC, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One. Teams of up to three players compete with each other in rocket-powered cars, attempting to score goals in the opposing score area. It is essentially a combination of racing and soccer that is chaotic fun to play with people of all ages.

Over the last decade, Minecraft has become one of the most successful games in history, growing from a little known early access title to a worldwide phenomenon. The game can easily be played by all ages and has extensive difficulty options to make things tougher or easier depending on who is playing. What makes Minecraft such a good title to play with your kids is that it basically transforms the wonder of building Lego in real life to video game form.
Mario Kart 8

Mario Kart 8 is not exactly a new game but the deluxe edition for the Nintendo Switch is pretty much the most complete entry in the franchise’s history. Multiple people can play on the same console using the small controllers but the title also supports a number of options so you can play against family members online or locally. Like the rest of the games in the franchise, it is accessible, colorful environments, and a cast of loveable Nintendo characters.
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