On Wednesday, Steam Database, a third-party database run by fans, not Valve, reported that the source code of Counter-Strike: Global Offensive and Team Fortress 2 leaked into the network. That could potentially mean a new wave of cheats and hacks.
The leak is believed to be the source code that Valve provided to partners licensing the Source engine in late 2017. The current build was stolen back in 2018, but it seems to have reached the public only now.
The community began to worry that the source code would be dug by crooks looking for holes in the engine. For example, Team Fortress 2 supposedly allows remote launch of third-party code, suggested by fans. Fan groups Creators.tf and The Red Sun Over Paradise have closed their servers just in case.
Valve has already reacted: the company says there’s no reason to worry. If you play on the official CS:GO and Team Fortress 2 servers, there shouldn’t be any kind of troubles. Valve will continue to investigate the situation and encourages those who know any details about the leak to contact the company via a special page.
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